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Mac os photoshop hotkey for selection tool. Pro tools first for mac. Sawmill is a powerful, hierarchical log analysis tool, well suited for Web server access and referrer logs, but can process almost any log. It runs as a CGI program on your Web server, and publishes an intuitive graphical user interface which can be used from any Web browser to configure and run Sawmill, or to view the statistics pages. The statistics pages are hierarchical, attractive, and heavily crosslinked for easy navigation. Complete documentation is built directly into the program. Sawmill provides an extensive set of features, including a persistent database, fine control over the appearance of stats pages, and What's New in Sawmill. Sawmill is a powerful, hierarchical log analysis tool, well suited for Web server access and referrer logs, but can process almost any log. It runs as a CGI program on your Web server, and publishes an intuitive graphical user interface which can be used from any Web browser to configure and run Sawmill, or to view the statistics pages.