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Tool Palettes In Autocad For Mac

  1. Cad Software For Mac

I'm not a Mac user, but one of the guys at my office is, so I have to figure out how to get My AutoCAD tools to interface with the MAC AutoCAD interface. I've created a set of Tool Palletes with some default settings that I really want him to have access to, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where to go to load it into the AutoCAD LT for MAC. I know that in past versions of AUTOCAD LT for MAC the Tool Palletes were not an available feature, but in the new list of features it is listed as included (See attached image). I can find the Tool Sets, and the Content Palette, but no Tool Pallet. Likewise the option to indicate the location of the tool pallets is missing from the options. Does anyone out there know where I can find the tool pallets in AutoCAD LT for Mac 2016, and how I can load an existing Tool Pallet in?

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Cad Software For Mac

AutoCAD for Mac 2018 now allows users to undock, float and hide palettes, providing more flexibility in how they organize their workspace. Users can now undock and position palettes wherever they choose. When looking at AutoCAD for Mac, one or more of the tool palettes, tool sets, or status bar windows are missing or display incorrectly. Do one or more of the following: Look under the Window menu in AutoCAD and verify that the palette in question is not turned off.