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Trying To Use Find Tool On Outlook For Mac And Not Working

So, we migrated to Office 365 over the weekend and I can not get Outlook to connect to Office 365. The autodiscover is not functioning correctly and I am at a loss as to where the issue actually is. We were using an on-premise Exchange 2010 server and I disabled autodiscover on it this morning in an attempt to allow Outlook to fix itself. The autodiscover settings are correct on our host site and all tests point to autodiscover working properly. I have a mac user who configured her server manually and it works fine for her, but, using Fiddler, I can see it is redirecting to the old server when I try to connect with my PC. I'm assuming the issue is due to the routing of the Sonicwall as that is the only place I have not thoroughly looked.

File recovery tool for mac. I'm a rookie on my own and did not configure the Sonicwall. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! We have a 3rd party hosting our DNS for our website and a separate 3rd party hosting our website.

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Fix Instant Search is not available when Outlook is running with administrator permissions. To use Instant Search, exit and restart Outlook without administrator permissions. This document will guide you through configuring your Office 365 account in Outlook 2016 for Windows. Note: If you are experiencing connectivity issues with your Outlook client, we recommend that you try using the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool. Try using a dedicated email search tool. Outlook Search and Other Flaws The KB3114409 update didn’t just cause Outlook search problems; it really made Outlook 2010 a completely useless email client for a lot of users. Previously, Outlook for Mac displayed search results as you typed. STATUS: FIXED. This issue has been fixed in Outlook 2016 for Mac (Version 16.13). To get the latest update, open Outlook for Mac, go to the Help > Check for Updates menu, and follow the instructions in the AutoUpdate app.

Exchange For Mac

Trying To Use Find Tool On Outlook For Mac And Not Working

Office 365 For Mac

I changed DNS records there as appropriate. I would have thought that would be enough, do I need to change them on our local network as well? I did identify that port 443 is the default HTTPS admin port for the Sonicwall, which I changed to 444. I also identified an entry for 'SBS Services' which looked like it was directing port 443 and disabled it. The Fiddler log looked like it was autodiscovering as it was supposed to be, but it didn't actually work still. Just to get a little more info here. We'll take just a single mailbox as an example.