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Why Is My Mac Calling For Java Command Line Tool

How to run command-line or execute external application from Java Have you ever confront a situation that you need to execute external programs while developing a Java application? For instance, you are developing a Java application and need to execute external application(another executable program) in the middle of the program or you may need to execute some commands such as listing directory command: dir (in windows) or ls (in Unix) while developing the program. The following will show you how to execute the external program from Java application. Int exitVal = pr. WaitFor ( ); System. Println ( 'Exited with error code ' +exitVal ); int exitVal = pr.waitFor(); System.out.println('Exited with error code '+exitVal); Method waitFor() will make the current thread to wait until the external program finish and return the exit value to the waited thread. Interior design tool for mac. Output example Process pr = rt.exec(“c: helloworld.exe”); Process pr = rt.exec(“cmd /c dir”); Summary This is a simple code to execute external applications.

If you want to call functions from other program (ex. C++, Visual Basic DLL), you need to use JNI (Java Native Interface) which you can find a nice tutorial at If you need more information, below are some sites that talk about executing external code. For Java users • Execute an external program – Real’s Java How-to.

Scenarios for using Oracle Nashorn as a command-line tool and as an embedded interpreter in Java applications Until Java SE 7, JDKs shipped with a JavaScript scripting engine based on Mozilla Rhino. If the system cannot find javac, check the set path command. If javac runs but you get errors, check your Java text. If the program compiles but you get an exception, check the spelling and capitalization in the file name and the class name and the java HelloWorld command. In my case, It turned out a very old obsolete program called t-mobile bobsled (it use to give free telephone calls) that launched a daemon helper app at every startup up that used the old apple Java. I finally figured it out by going into several system folders until I found the offending program. I don't know why it would ask for the JDK (Java Development Kit) but it does need the JRE (Java Run-time Environment) to function. Any program that is in the.jar format will need the JRE to run. Hope that helps.

• When Runtime.exec() won’t – Java World. • Trouble with Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd) on Linux – Java. • Runtime.getRuntime().exec (Linux / UNIX forum at JavaRanch). • Java’s Runtime.exec() and External Applications.


For C++ users • How can I start a process? • Executing programs with C(Linux). To John, Your problem seems to be complicated.

Why Is My Mac Calling For Java Command Line Tool Message

If you have to interact with external application many times in different way, it may not good to write application to interact with it. I think it’s hard to debug and maintain your application. I have better way. Try AutoIt, it is a tool to create script that interact with Windows GUI. It is easy to use. Let’s see it yourself –. To Harris, I think the best way is to try to run the code outside the batch file first to test if the command is correctly or not.

Respected Sir I have a shell script( ) which when run should give the following output Setting TERRIER_HOME to /home/student/terrier-3.0 Setting JAVA_HOME to /usr INFO – Loading document lengths for document structure into memory INFO – Structure meta reading lookup file into memory INFO – Structure meta reading reverse map for key docno directly from disk INFO – Structure meta loading data file into memory INFO – time to intialise index: 0.417 Please enter your query: waiting for the user to enter some query. Now I want a java program to achieve the same thing by invoking this shell script. I wrote a java progr but this is the outpput that I recieve: Setting TERRIER_HOME to /home/student/terrier-3.0 Setting JAVA_HOME to /usr What could be the reason for this? Regards Saurabh. Hi linglom, I am trying to fetch out the output of the remote machine’s.exe file. For that am trying to open the command prompt of my machine using Runtime.getRuntime.exec(). Using PSEXEC.exe which is a windows sysinternal utility am trying to open the.exe file that is located in the remote machine.